What is NU student health insurance?
Voluntary health insurance (VHI) is a health insurance program for students (SHIP) that you can use in case of an emergency, in case of an acute primary illness, or in case of exacer-bation of chronic disease.
What is the difference between CSMI and VHI?
In Nazarbayev University, the University Healthcare Department coordinates Compulsory Social Medical Insurance (ОСМС) and Voluntary Health Insurance (VHI) programs for the NU community.
Compulsory Social medical insurance provided by the state for all students, regardless of the type of funding for education. You can go to state polyclinics (PHC) and/or UHC on campus. You can check the status of CSHI you can on the website.
The health services provided by the VHI programs include consultations with coordinators and/or physicians of the medical assistance companies, along with obtaining services from the network of clinics and hospitals.