NU’s Five Vaccination Groups

Our Community has five vaccination groups.

Group 1 = G1 (FV) - Fully vaccinated during 6 months after the primary vaccination / Within 1 year after revaccination/ (Re)Vaccinated individuals within 6 months after recovery from COVID-19;

Group 2 = G2 (NI) - Individuals with natural immunity - Unvaccinated and diagnosed with COVID-19 (medical certificate, PCR) within 3 months after recovery;

Group 3 = G3 (NFV) - Not fully vaccinated - During 3 weeks after the first dose of the primary vaccine / More than 6 months after the primary vaccination;

Group 4 = G4 (UnV-M) - Not vaccinated due to medical exemptions confirmed by a physician (PHC)

Group 5 =G5 (UnV) - Not vaccinated and without supporting documents on COVID-19 disease. No medical exemptions. Over 1 year after the last dose of the vaccination or revaccination

Update your vaccination status, including latest details on your revaccination
Vaccination status
According to the revised COVID-19 Risk Groups approved by the Managing Council on October 4, 2022, please use this report form to update your vaccination status, including the latest details on your revaccination. Please be reminded that you need to update your vaccination status only in case of changes in your vaccination status or received revaccination.

Before processing further with the survey, please, get ready to provide the following details:
1) Dates of your primary vaccination and revaccination, including the types of vaccines received.
2) Vaccination passport/certificate to download for consideration of the HSE team.

Please be kindly advised that you may need to update your documents in the eGov mobile app (by clicking the update icon in the right upper corner) to obtain the latest vaccination passport